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The Rise of ‘Coolcation’ Holidays: Escaping the Summer Heat

As summer temperatures soar to unprecedented heights, a new travel trend is emerging: the "coolcation." This vacation style involves escaping to cooler climates, particularly to northern European countries like Norway and Sweden, to avoid the scorching heat.

Cool countries - coolcation

Image: Shutterstock/Mumemories

Seeking Relief in the North

With global temperatures on the rise, many travelers are turning their backs on traditional sun-soaked destinations in favor of cooler alternatives. Norway and Sweden, known for their stunning natural landscapes and mild summer weather, have become top choices for those seeking a refreshing escape.


Norway: Fjords, Mountains, and Midnight Sun


Image: Getty

Norway offers a perfect blend of cool weather and breathtaking scenery. Visitors can explore the famous fjords, hike through lush, green mountains, and experience the unique phenomenon of the midnight sun, where the sun remains visible for 24 hours. Cities like Oslo and Bergen provide a mix of cultural experiences and natural beauty, making Norway an ideal destination for a coolcation.

Sweden: Lakes, Forests, and Coastal Beauty


Image: Per Pixel Petersson

Sweden, with its expansive forests, numerous lakes, and picturesque coastline, is another popular coolcation spot. The country’s summer temperatures are comfortably cool, allowing tourists to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and kayaking without the oppressive heat. Stockholm, with its rich history and vibrant culture, along with the serene Swedish countryside, offers a perfect balance for travelers looking to relax and explore.


Why Choose a Coolcation?

Coolcation - people on a cruise

Image: Planet Fashion TV

The rise of the coolcation trend can be attributed to several factors:

  • Climate Change: Increasing summer temperatures make traditional vacation spots less appealing.

  • Health and Comfort: Cooler climates are more comfortable and safer for individuals who may be vulnerable to heat-related illnesses.

  • Unique Experiences: Northern Europe offers unique natural phenomena and landscapes that are not available in warmer regions.


Planning Your Coolcation

When planning a coolcation, it will be wise to consider the specific attractions and activities each destination offers. Whether it’s cruising through Norway’s fjords or exploring Sweden’s archipelagos, there are numerous ways to enjoy a refreshing and memorable summer vacation.

coolcation - penguins waddling across

Image: Shutterstock/Steve Allen

The trend of coolcations is gaining momentum as more travelers seek to beat the summer heat by heading north. Countries like Norway and Sweden offer the perfect escape with their cooler climates, stunning natural beauty, and diverse activities, making them the go-to destinations for those looking to stay cool while on holiday.

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