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Singapore Authorities Issue Bird Flu Advisory: Avoid Contact with Wild Birds

Singapore authorities have issued an advisory urging the public to refrain from touching or feeding wild birds to mitigate the risk of avian influenza (H5N1). Despite no reported cases in Singapore, heightened vigilance is necessary due to infections in humans recorded in countries such as Australia and the US.

H5N1 bird flu advisory

Image: Getty Images

The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) of Singapore highlights that bird flu is endemic in the region, making preventive measures crucial to avoid the virus's entry and spread among the local bird population and humans. Avian influenza can cause severe disease or death in birds and flu-like symptoms in humans.


Preventive Measures for the Public - Bird Flu Advisory

do not feed birds signage and birds eating feed

To minimize risk, the public is advised:

  • Do not touch or feed wildlife, including free-roaming chickens.

  • Report any suspected cases to the AVA immediately.

Visiting local attractions like Bird Paradise or Mandai Zoo remains safe due to the strict biosecurity measures in place, including quarantines and disease screening.


Travel Precautions

bird flu dead bird on ground

Image: AFP/Ernesto Benavides

For those traveling to regions affected by bird flu, the following precautions are strongly recommended:

  • Avoid live bird markets and dairy farms abroad.

  • Do not consume uncooked or raw meat.

While avian influenza primarily affects birds, cows and cattle are also susceptible, as evidenced by infections in dairy farms in the US.

By adhering to the bird flu advisory and these guidelines, the public can help prevent the spread of avian influenza, ensuring the health and safety of both the local bird population and the community.


First reported on Channel News Asia. Find out more here!

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