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Renovation Tips 101: Don’t Forget About Maintenance

Renovating your home is an exciting venture, offering the chance to refresh and personalize your living space. However, amid the thrill of selecting new designs and layouts, it is crucial not to overlook one key aspect: maintenance.

people cleaning the house

Image: Getty/Maskot

Renovation Tip - Ensuring that your renovation choices are easy to maintain can save you time, money, and effort in the long run.


Choose Easy-to-Clean Materials

material samples

Image: Shutterstock

When selecting materials and finishes, prioritize those that are easy to clean and maintain. For instance, opt for tiles or laminate flooring over carpets, which can be harder to keep clean. In the kitchen and bathroom, choose non-porous surfaces like quartz, sintered stone or stainless steel, which resist staining and are simple to wipe down.


Consider Long-Term Upkeep

wooden floor polishing

Image: Shutterstock

Every renovation project comes with potential upkeep requirements. Be mindful of these when planning your renovations. For example, wooden decks and countertops need regular sealing to prevent damage, while high-gloss finishes might require frequent polishing to maintain their shine. Understanding these needs upfront can help you make informed decisions that suit your lifestyle and household upkeeping expenses.


Invest in Durable Fixtures

bathroom fixtures

Image: Borhn

Durability is another essential factor in reducing maintenance. High-quality fixtures and fittings might come with a higher initial cost but can significantly reduce the need for repairs and replacements. Opt for well-made plumbing fixtures, sturdy cabinetry, and durable lighting options that will stand the test of time.


Plan for Future Maintenance

future maintenance

Image: Lemon8/The Sua Kus

Think ahead about how your renovation will hold up over time. This includes considering the ease of accessing important systems like plumbing and electrical for any future checks, maintenance or repairs. Incorporating removable panels or strategically placed access points can simplify maintenance tasks and reduce disruption.


Regular Maintenance Schedules

Once your renovation is complete, establish a regular maintenance schedule to keep everything in top condition. Routine tasks like servicing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems can prevent small issues from becoming major problems. Consistent upkeep ensures that your home remains as beautiful and functional as the day your renovation was finished.

Wallowin bathroom design

Images: Wallowin

By keeping maintenance in mind throughout your renovation project, you can create a home that not only looks great but is also practical and easy to care for. This foresight will enhance your enjoyment of your renovated space and ensure it remains a haven for years to come.

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