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Renovation Tips 101: Consider Future Needs

When planning a renovation, thinking long-term can make a significant difference in the functionality and adaptability of your space.

pregnant mother writing on a notepad

Image: Shutterstock

Designing with future needs in mind ensures that your home remains practical and comfortable for years to come, especially if you plan to stay there for an extended period. Here are some renovation tips for your consideration:


Renovation Tip: Anticipate Lifestyle Changes

different stages of life

Images: Freepik

Consider potential lifestyle changes, such as starting a family, working from home, or aging in place. For instance, incorporating a home office now can save time and money if remote work becomes a necessity. Similarly, adding features like wider doorways and step-free showers can make aging in place easier and more comfortable.


Flexible Spaces

open concept apartment

Image: Lushviz

Design flexible spaces that can serve multiple purposes. A guest room can double as a home office, or a playroom can transform into a study area as children grow. Open floor plans and movable partitions offer versatility, allowing you to reconfigure rooms as your needs evolve.


Upgrade Hardware

heating hardware

Investing in modern hardware, such as energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, can save money in the long run and improve your home's sustainability. Ensure your electrical wiring can accommodate future upgrades (like smart home technology) and your internet has a stable connection to enhance home security through the use of digital door locks and surveillance cameras.


Storage Solutions

HW Homeworks and Wallowin - Built in storage

Ample storage is crucial for a growing family or changing needs. Built-in shelves, under-stair storage, and multi-functional furniture can help keep your home organized and clutter-free. Plan for both current and future storage requirements to maintain a tidy living space.


Accessibility Considerations

grab handle and lever

Plan for accessibility features that may become necessary later. This includes installing grab bars in bathrooms, opting for lever handles instead of doorknobs, and ensuring that key areas are wheelchair accessible while continuing to be safe for use (e.g., rounded edges). These features can be seamlessly integrated into your design to maintain aesthetic appeal while enhancing usability.


Future-Proofing Your Home

technology at home

Image: Shutterstock

By thinking ahead and incorporating these considerations into your renovation plans, you create a home that can adapt to your evolving lifestyle. This foresight not only enhances your day-to-day living but also increases the longevity and value of your property.

Considering future needs in your renovation plans is a smart investment. It ensures that your home remains a comfortable and functional space, capable of adapting to whatever changes life may bring.

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