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Renovation Tips 101: Choosing the Right Water Heater for Your Bathroom

Designing a bathroom in an apartment involves several crucial decisions, one of which is selecting the right water heater. Given the compact nature of most apartments, choosing between an electric instant water heater, a gas water heater, and a storage water heater can significantly impact your bathroom's functionality and energy efficiency.

water heaters

Here’s a guide to help you make an informed decision.


Electric Instant Water Heater

Electric Instant Water Heater


  1. Compact Size: Instant water heaters are typically small and can be easily installed in tight spaces, making them ideal for the compact bathrooms commonly found in Singapore apartments.

  2. Instantaneous Heating: These heaters provide hot water on demand, eliminating the wait time for water to heat up.

  3. Ease of Installation: Installation is relatively straightforward and does not require extensive modifications or additional venting.


  1. Energy Consumption: Instant heaters can be less energy-efficient compared to gas heaters, potentially leading to higher electricity bills.

  2. Limited Flow Rate: They may struggle to supply multiple outlets simultaneously, which can be a downside for larger households.


Gas Water Heater

Gas Water Heater


  1. Energy Efficiency: Gas water heaters tend to be more energy-efficient, particularly if you have a piped gas supply, which is common in many Singapore apartments.

  2. Cost-Effective: Natural gas is often cheaper than electricity, potentially lowering your utility bills.

  3. Continuous Hot Water: They can provide a continuous supply of hot water, making them suitable for families.


  1. Installation Complexity: Installing a gas water heater can be more complex and may require modifications to accommodate venting and gas lines.

  2. Space Requirements: They typically require more space than electric heaters, which can be a constraint in small service yards.


Storage Water Heater

Storage Water Heater

Image: Carousell


  1. Bulk Supply: Storage water heaters heat and store a large volume of water in a large storage tank, ensuring a consistent supply even during peak usage times.

  2. Temperature Stability: These heaters maintain a stable temperature, providing a more comfortable shower experience.


  1. Space Consumption: They are bulkier and require more installation space, which can be a significant drawback in small apartments.

  2. Energy Usage: Continuous heating to maintain water temperature can lead to higher energy consumption and costs.

  3. Prone to Water Leakage and Corrosion: Over time, many users have reported visible signs of hardware deterioration in the water heater, including water leaks, rust, and corrosion.


Making the Choice


Image: Unsplash

When choosing the right water heater for your bathroom, consider the following factors:

  1. Space Availability: For smaller bathrooms, an electric instant water heater might be the best fit due to its compact size. However, if you have more space, a storage water heater could offer a more stable hot water supply.

  2. Energy Efficiency: If you’re looking to minimize energy costs and have access to a piped gas supply, a gas water heater could be the most cost-effective option.

  3. Household Size and Usage: For larger families or households with high hot water demand, a storage water heater or a gas water heater can ensure that hot water is available when needed without long wait times.

The best water heater for your apartment bathroom will depend on your specific needs and constraints. By carefully considering space, energy efficiency, and usage patterns, you can select a water heater that provides comfort and convenience while optimizing your bathroom design.

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