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Bidding Meta Spark Goodbye: Implications for AR Effects and Beauty Standards

Prepare to say goodbye to AR Effects and face filters as Meta has announced the closure of its Meta Spark platform, effective 14 January 2025.

meta spark update

Screengrab: Meta

Meta's decision follows a comprehensive evaluation of the platform, which provided third-party tools and content for creating Augmented Reality (AR) effects. As a result, AR effects developed by brands and independent AR creators will no longer be accessible to users.

women using face beauty filters

The shutdown means that popular third-party custom face filters, widely used for beautifying images, will be eliminated. Many users have come to rely on these filters to enhance their selfies and social media posts, often leading to the adoption of unrealistic beauty standards and creation of images that look nothing like the real person.

This reliance on AR tools has often sparked discussions about the impact of such standards on self-image and mental health, particularly among younger users.

girl with and without face filter

Image: Dove

With the discontinuation of third-party filters, users may need to adjust their expectations and find alternative ways to express their creativity. Meta will continue to offer its own AR effects across its Family of Apps, but these may not fully replicate the variety and personalization previously available through third-party creations.

In response to the closure, users might explore other platforms or apps that provide similar AR features, or consider engaging with their authentic selves by embracing natural beauty in their online presence. This shift presents an opportunity for a broader conversation about self-acceptance and the importance of recognizing the digital manipulation of images, ultimately encouraging a healthier relationship with beauty and self-worth.


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