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Guess the COE and Win Cash with Carousell Autos

Carousell Autos is giving car enthusiasts a chance to turn their Certificate of Entitlement (COE) knowledge into cash. By making accurate predictions for the first COE bidding exercise in March 2025, participants can win up to $250 in cash if their guesses are the closest to the actual results.

Blue SUV and white car on a dark dotted background with colorful speech bubbles reading "Guess the COE game." Text: "Stand to win up to $250 cash."

Each correct or closest guess for a COE category will earn $50, making this a great opportunity for those who follow COE trends to put their knowledge to the test.

Guess-the-COE Game: How to Participate

  • Submit predictions for the different vehicle COE categories through the official form.

  • Ensure submissions are made before 5 March 2025, 3:59 PM.

  • The closest guesses for each category will be awarded $50, with a total of $250 in cash prizes up for grabs.

This challenge is perfect for anyone who keeps a close eye on Singapore’s COE bidding trends. Make your best predictions and stand a chance to win cash with Carousell Autos. Find out more and submit your predictions here!

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