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Checkmate: Singapore's New WhatsApp Bot to Combat Scams and Misinformation

Constantly receiving messages that you are unsure of their authenticity? Have a friend or relative who frequently sends misleading forwarded messages? Singapore's new WhatsApp bot, Checkmate, is here to help.

Checkmate Singapore

Image: Checkmate

What is Checkmate?

Checkmate is a groundbreaking service designed to verify the authenticity of suspicious text messages, images, and online videos. Developed by a group of dedicated volunteers and launched in March 2023, Checkmate aims to counter the pervasive issue of misinformation and scams circulating online.

How Does Checkmate Work?

Users can forward any dubious messages directly to the Checkmate bot on WhatsApp. The service utilizes a combination of natural language processing techniques, machine-learning algorithms, and human checkers to analyze and verify the information. Once the verification process is complete, Checkmate will respond with an assessment of the message's authenticity.

Checkmate Singapore

Image: Checkmate

Who Are the CheckMates?

Checkmate relies on a network of volunteers, known as CheckMates, who help verify the messages. These volunteers come from various backgrounds but share a common goal of fighting misinformation and keeping the community safe. CheckMates review new messages sent to the bot and vote on their veracity, ensuring a reliable verification process.

Benefits and Future Plans

Checkmate's developers are looking to scale up the service by recruiting more volunteer checkers and enhancing automation through artificial intelligence. They aim to establish Checkmate as a non-profit organization, further solidifying its role in combating online misinformation.

Support from Catos

Checkmate is supported by the Centre for Advanced Technologies in Online Safety (Catos), which operates under the Ministry of Communications and Information’s Online Trust and Safety Research Programme. Catos focuses on developing and customizing tools to detect harmful content, including misinformation, hate speech, and deepfakes.

Mission Statement

Checkmate harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and crowdsourcing through a network of trusted volunteers. The goal is to provide a reliable service that helps verify any dubious messages users might come across, making the online space safer for everyone.

Verify Scams and Misinformation

If you are ever in doubt about a message's authenticity, simply forward it to Checkmate on WhatsApp. The service will diligently check the message and inform you whether it can be trusted, helping you and your loved ones stay safe from misinformation and scams.

Scams messages

Image: iStock/synthetick

With Checkmate, Singapore is taking a proactive stance in the battle against online misinformation, ensuring a safer and more informed community.

Find out more here!

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